I'm 37 years old, 6'1" tall and weigh approximately 370 pounds. I know that sounds like a lot (and it is), but it's not the biggest I've been. I was at my highest around the summer of 2012, when I weighed approximately 425 pounds.
In late 2012, I started taking the train to work and walking from the train station to work. That, coupled with some dietary changes, helped me bring myself down to 355 by July of 2013. I plateaued at that weight, and lost discipline through the Fall/Winter of 2013/2014. As stated above, I'm around 370 now, and I'm going to make some changes.
My wife, after having a bit of a health scare back in the summer of 2012, went on a low-carb diet and lost a lot of weight. I have fluctuated in my efforts to do the same since then, being torn between a good health plan and making my coffee taste the way I like it (I like my sugar with coffee and cream). I am going to do my best to really cut the carbs going forward.
I really need to do this for myself, my wife, and my kids. Not only do I want to make sure I'm there for them as long as possible, I also want to be a good example.
Wish me luck......
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